Gold Drop
O nás
Činnosť firmy
Kvalita a ochrana životného prostredia
Politika kvality a enviromentalistika
Prírodné produkty na báze octu
Floor Professional
Gold Drop/DropSept
Eco Line
Window Plus
Gold Cytrus
Dix Professional
Gold Wax
Ocenenia výrobkov
Získané ocenenia
Soubory ke stažení SDS/IDS
Charakteristické karty, Údaje o výrobkoch, Katalóg GD, Fotografie produktov
Gold Drop
O nás
Činnosť firmy
Kvalita a ochrana životného prostredia
Politika kvality a enviromentalistika
Prírodné produkty na báze octu
Tekuté čistiace prostriedky na okná a iné povrchy, do kúpeľne a kuchyne
Floor Professional
Tekuté prostriedky na ošetrovanie drevených podláh a lamel
Gold Drop/DropSept
Čistenie a dezinfekcia výrobkov
Hypoalergénne výrobky (majú certifikáty SWAN a AA)
Eco Line
Ekologické výrobky
Window Plus
Tekuté prostriedky na čistenie skla
Gold Cytrus
Prostriedky na umývanie riadu a přípravky do myček nádobí
Čistiace prostriedky do kuchyne, kúpeľne
Dix Professional
Špeciálne prípravky
Pracie a avivážne prostriedky
Tekuté prípravky na ošetrovanie podláh
Gold Wax
Prípravky na ošetrovanie nábytku
Mydlá/Osviežovače vzduchu
Dr Grehen
Ocenenia výrobkov
Získané ocenenia
Soubory ke stažení SDS/IDS
Charakteristické karty, Údaje o výrobkoch, Katalóg GD, Fotografie produktov
Soubory ke stažení SDS/IDS
Soubory ke stažení SDS/IDS
Safety Data Sheet & Ingredients Data Sheet – other languages
Safety Data Sheet
Czech Republic
Ingredients Data Sheet
Czech Republic
Tekuté čistiace prostriedky na okná a iné povrchy, do kúpeľne a kuchyne
Tekutý prostriedok na čistenie sklenených povrchov a okien
Čistiaci prostriedok do kúpeľne
Univerzálny čistiaci prostriedok + kuchyňa
Tekuté prostriedky na ošetrovanie drevených podláh a lamel
Tekutý prostriedok na čistenie podlahových lamel
Tekutý prostriedok na umývanie drevených podláh a podlahových lamel
Mlieko na ošetrovanie podláh
Čistenie a dezinfekcia výrobkov
Čistiaca a dezinfekčná tekutina určená pre rôzne povrchy
Univerzálny čistiaci a dezinfekčný prípravok
Hypoalergénne výrobky (majú certifikáty SWAN a AA)
Hypoalergénny avivážny prostriedok na tkaniny
Hypoalergénny prostriedok na umývanie riadu
ATTIS Hypoalergénne tekuté mydlo
Ekologické výrobky
Prostriedok na umývanie riadu
Univerzálny tekutý čistiaci prostriedok
Tekutý prostriedok na čistenie skiel
Tekuté mydlo
Prostriedok na na sanitárne zariadenia
Prostriedok na WC
Tekutý čistiaci prostriedok do kuchyne
Tekuté prostriedky na čistenie skla
Prostriedok na čistenie skla a zrkadiel
Prostriedky na umývanie riadu a přípravky do myček nádobí
Prostriedok na umývanie riadu
Čistiace prostriedky do kuchyne, kúpeľne
DIX leštidlo do umývačky riadu
DIX čistič práčky
DIX čistič umývačky riadu
DIX balzam a gély na umývanie riadu
Univerzálny odmasťovač
Zahustený čistiaci a bieliaci prostriedok na WC
Prostriedky do toaliet
Čistiaci krém s mikrogranulkami
Odstraňovač vodného kameňa
Gél na čistenie odpadov
WC blok
Dezinfekčné tablety do splachovačov
DIX „3D” WC blok
Špeciálne prípravky
Rúry, krby, gril
Sprchovacie kúty
Vodný kameň a hrdza
Škáry, keramické a plastové povrchy
Čistiaci krém v spreji do kúpeľne
Parfumovaná voda do žehličky
Prípravok uľahčujúci žehlenie
Pracie a avivážne prostriedky
Booster Tekuté pracie prostriedky, objem 1,5 l
Booster gél na pranie bielych a farebných tkanín so systémom ochrany farieb.
Booster odstraňovač škvŕn na tkaniny
Avivážny koncentrovaný prostriedok
Avivážny prostriedok
Bieliaci prostriedok
Tekuté prípravky na ošetrovanie podláh
Univerzálny tekutý prípravok
Univerzálny tekutý čistiaci prostriedok s obsahom mydla
Ručné čistenie kobercov
Prípravky na ošetrovanie nábytku
Gold Wax classic – prípravok na čistenie nábytku
Mlieko na ošetrovanie nábytku
Prípravok na ošetrovanie nábytku
Zimná kvapalina do ostrekovačov
Mydlá/Osviežovače vzduchu
Attis herbal line inspired by nature tekuté mydlo
ATTIS FRUITY ovocné tekuté mydlo
Osviežovače vzduchu
Attis economy tekuté mydlo
Tekuté mydlo
Toaletné mydlo
Sivé mydlo
Dr Grehen
Ostatné výrobky
Katalóg výrobkov
BOOSTER - BLEACH - CZ-7 - List of ingredients '
BOOSTER - Concentrated Softener - Soft Water Lily - PK-12 - List of ingredients
BOOSTER - Concentrated Softener - Velvet Lavender PK-11 - List of ingredients
BOOSTER - Concentrated Softener with Cashmere protein - Aroma Orchid' - PK-9 - List of ingredients
BOOSTER - Concentrated Softener with patchuli oil - Aroma Magnolia - PK-1 - List of ingredients
BOOSTER - Concentrated Softener with silk protein - Aroma Rose - PK-6 =- List of ingredients
BOOSTER - Fabric softener - Aroma Orchid - PP-1 - List of ingredients
BOOSTER - Fabric softener - Soft water Lily - PP-2- List of ingredients
BOOSTER - Fabric softener - Velvet Lavender - PP-4 - List of ingredients
BOOSTER - Hypoallergenic Concentrated softener - PK-10 - List of ingredients
BOOSTER - Laundry Liquid - color - with lanolin - P-27 - List of ingredients
BOOSTER - Liquid for washing black and dark fabrics - P-28 - List of ingredients
BOOSTER - Liquid for washing delicate fabrics. - with lanolin - p-29 - List of ingredients
BOOSTER - Stain remover - with active oxygen - CZ-18 - List of ingredients
BOOSTER - Washing gel for white and colour fabrics - P-8 - List of ingredients
DIX - Active gel Lime Rust remover WC-1 - List of ingredients
DIX - Cleaning cream - Active Fresh - M-2 - List of ingredients
DIX - Cleaning cream - Lemon Fresh - M-1 - List of ingredients
DIX - Dishwashing balm Sensitive - N-3 - List of ingredients
DIX - Dishwashing gel Original - N-7 - List of ingredients
DIX - Dishwashing gel Concentrated - Apple - N-10MV - List of ingredients
DIX - Dishwashing gel Concentrated Apple - N-10 - List of ingredients
DIX - Gel - drain opener - CZ-9 - List of ingredients
DIX - Stone removal - CZ-8 - List of ingredients
DIX - WC Gel - Ocean, Pine, Lemon' -WC-1,2,3 - List of ingredients
DIX PROFESSIONAL - Oven, Fireplace, Grill cleaner - CZ-13 - List of ingredients
DIX PROFESSIONAL - Bathroom cream cleaner - CZ-10 - List of ingredients
DIX PROFESSIONAL - Kitchen cream cleaner - CZ-28 - List of ingredients
DIX PROFESSIONAL - Lime Rust - CZ-6 - List of ingredients
DIX PROFESSIONAL - Shower cubicle cleaner - CZ-5 - List of ingredients
DIX PROFESSIONAL - Universal cleaner Joints, Ceramic Plastic Surfaces- CZ-4 - List of ingredients
DIX STRONG - Concentrated WC cleaner - WC-5 - List of ingredients
ECO LINE - ECO BATHROOM CLEANER - CZ-21 - List of ingredients
ECO LINE - Eco All-purpose cleaner - U-14 - List of ingredients
ECO LINE - Ecological toilet cleanerl - WC-12 - List of ingredients
ECO LINE - Ecological Washing up liquid' - N-91 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All purpose surface cleaner - Spring Flowers - U-3MV - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All purpose surface cleaner - Garden Flowers - U-1 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All purpose surface cleaner - Garden Flowers - U-1MV - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All purpose surface cleaner - Spring Flowers - U-3 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All-Purpose Cleaner Pomegranate - U-4 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All-purpose cleaner - active soap - Violet Lilac - U-10 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All-purpose cleaner - active soap - White Flowers - U-9 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All-purpose cleaner - active soda, Lemon Oil - U-17 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All-purpose cleaner - Cherry Blossom - U-21 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All-purpose cleaner Active soda - Lime Mint - U-20 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All-purpose cleaner Active soda - Lime Mint - U-20MV - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All-purpose cleaner Active soda - Orange Blossom - U-19 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All-purpose cleaner Active soda - Orange Blossom - U-19MV - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All-purpose floor, wall and tile cleaner - Mountains Flowers - U-5 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All-purpose floor, wall and tile cleaner - Mountains Flowers - U-5MV - List of ingredients
FLOOR - Carpet Shampoo - CZ-1 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - Laminate floor cleaner - with nourishing Orange Oil - F-3 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - Laminate Floor cleaner with nourishing almond oil - f-9 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - Liquid for hand washing of rugs, parpets, upholstery furniture and car upholstery.' - CZ-34 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - Polish and care cream - F-5 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - Wood Laminate floor cleaner - with nourishing avocado oil - F-8 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - Wood Laminate floor cleaner with nourishing argan oil - F-7 - List of ingredients
GOLD CYTRUS - Concentrated washing up - FLOWER - N-29MV - List of ingredients
GOLD CYTRUS - Concentrated washing up - LEMON - N-21MV - List of ingredients
GOLD CYTRUS - Concentrated washing up - PASSION FRUIT - N-33MV - List of ingredients
GOLD CYTRUS - Concentrated washing up - RUMIANEK - N-23MV - List of ingredients
GOLD CYTRUS - Concentrated washing up balsam - Aloe Avocado - N-20MV - List of ingredients
GOLD CYTRUS - Concentrated washing-up liquid - Camomile - N-23 - List of ingredients
GOLD CYTRUS - Concentrated washing-up liquid - Flower - N-29 - List of ingredients
GOLD CYTRUS - Concentrated washing-up liquid - Lemon - N-21 - List of ingredients
GOLD CYTRUS - Concentrated washing-up liquid - Passion Fruit- N-33 - List of ingredients
'GOLD CYTRUS - Washing up balm - N-20 - List of ingredients
GOLD DROP - Antibacterial liquid soap - DZ-3 - List of ingredients
GOLD DROP - Disinfecting hand gel - DZ-2 - List of ingredients
GOLD DROP - Disinfecting hand liquid - DZ-1 - List of ingredients
GOLD DROP - Multi-purpose cleaning and disinfecting liquid - DZ-22 - List of ingredients
GOLD DROP - Universal disinfecting liquid - DZ-23 - List of ingredients
GOLD WAX - Furniture clean and care product - spray - CZ-15 - List of ingredients
GOLD WAX - Furniture polish - CZ-14 - List of ingredients
GOLD WAX - Multi-surface cleaner - Antisctatic - CZ-16 - List of ingredients
ORIGEN - Hypoallergenic concentrated softener - PK-14 - List of ingredients
ORIGEN - Hypoallergenic washing up liquid - N-92 - List of ingredients
PRIMAUTO - Upholstery cleaning agent - CZ-34 - List of ingredients
PRIMAUTO - Car shampoo - with wax and silicone - C-1 - List of ingredients
PRIMAUTO - Car windows and headlight cleaner winter - -22 oC - C-7 - List of ingredients
PRIMAUTO - Car windows and headlight cleaner - C-6 - List of ingredients
PRIMAUTO - Cockpit cleaner' - c-4 - List of ingredients
PRIMAUTO - INSECTS REMOVAL AGENT - C-2 - List of ingredients
PRIMAUTO - Rim cleaner - C-3 - List of ingredients
PRIMAUTO - Winter windsreen washer liquid - -20 oC' - List of ingredients
WINDOW PLUS - Window Cleaner - ammonium + alcohol - S-50 - List of ingredients
WINDOW PLUS - Window cleaner - Alcohol - S-80 - List of ingredients
WINDOW PLUS - Window cleaner - Alcohol + nanotechnology - S-80 - List of ingredients
WINDOW PLUS - Window cleaner - vinager+ alcohol - S-60 - List of ingredients
APPI - ACTIVE GEL - drain opener - CZ-9 - List of ingredients
APPI - Laundry liquid Black - P-28 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - All- purpose surface cleaner - Mountain Flowers - U-8 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - All- purpose surface cleaner - pring Flowers' - U-7 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - Bathroom cream cleaner - CZ-10 - List of ingredients
APPI - Carpet Cleaner - CZ-34 - List of ingredients
APPI - Ceramic surfaces cleaner - CZ-4 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - Cleaning cream Cream cleaner - with Microgranules - M-1 - List of ingredients
APPI - Concentrated cleaning and bleaching liquid - WC-5 - List of ingredients
APPI - Floor polish and care cream - F-5 - List of ingredients
APPI - Kitchen cream cleaner - CZ-28 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - Laundry liquid - Color - P-27 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - Oven and grill cleaner - CZ-13 - List of ingredients
APPI - Rust & Lime remover - CZ-6 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - Washing-up Balsam - sensitive - N-3 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - Washing-up liquid - Fresh Grapefriut - N-22 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - Washing-up liquid Fresh Orange - N-24 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - Washing-up liquid - Fresh Lemon - N-25 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - Washing-up liquid - Mint+Apple - N-26 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - Window cleaner - ammonium+ alcohol - S-15 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - Window cleaner - vinegar + alcohol - S-21 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
APPI - Wood cleaner with orange oil - F-3 - List of ingredients - ARCHIVES
ECO LINE - ECOLOGICAL WINDOW CLEANER' - S-16 - List of ingredients
ECO LINE - Ecological kitchen cleaner - CZ-31 - List of ingredients
DIX - Multi-purpose degreaser' - CZ-35 - List of ingredients
SAUBERMAX - Dishwasher cleaner - Citrus - Ingredient data sheet
SAUBERMAX - Dishwasher cleaner - Apfel - Ingredient data sheet
SAUBERMAX - Dishwasher cleaner - Orange - Ingredient data sheet
SAUBERMAX - Wasching machine cleaner - Ingredient data sheet
GOLD WAX - Antistatic FL - List of ingredients
GOLD WAX - classic FL - List of ingredients
ATTIS FRUITY LYCHEE AND VANILLA - K-45 - List of ingredients
ATTIS FRUITY -LIME and VERBENA - K-52 - List of ingredients
ATTIS FRUITY -COCONUT - K-44 - List of ingredients
ATTIS FRUITY -PINEAPPLE - K-46 - List of ingredients
ATTIS - HYPOALLERGENIC LIQUID SOAP - K-35 - List of ingredients
ATTIS - Liquid soap - CHERRY BLOSSOM - K-47 - List of ingredients
ATTIS - Liquid soap - INDIAN ROSE - K-48 - List of ingredients '
ATTIS - Liquid soap - Milk & Honey - K-37 - List of ingredients
ATTIS - Liquid Soap - Milk and Honey 5l - K-10 - List of ingredients
ATTIS - Liquid soap - NEROLI FLOWER - K-49 - List of ingredients
ATTIS - Liquid Soap - Olive and Cucumber - 5l - K-17 - List of ingredients
ATTIS - Liquid soap - Orchidea - K-41 - List of ingredients
ATTIS - Liquid Soap - Sensual Orchid - 5l - K-11 - List of ingredients
ATTIS - Shower gel - Olive & Lemon scent - K-23 - List of ingredients '
ATTIS AQUA - Liquid Soap - antibacterial - K-3 - List of ingredients
ATTIS Economy - Liquid Soap - Fruity - K-6 - List of ingredients
ATTIS Economy - Liquid Sop - Delicate - K-7 - List of ingredients
Ecological liquid soap - K-12 - List of ingredients
ATTIS - Liquid soap - Olive and Cucumber - K-40 - List of ingredients
Liquid soap with Honey & Thyme fragrance - K-55 - List of ingredients
Liquid Soap with Lime and Verbena - K-52 - List of ingredients
NATURE - Liquid soap - Milk & Honey - K-37 - List of ingredients
NATURE - Liquid soap - Olive and Cucumber - K-83 - List of ingredients
NATURE - Liquid soap - Orchid Flower - K-84 - List of ingredients
NATURE - Liquid soap - Sea minerals - K-82 - List of ingredients
GOLD DROP -Universal and kitchen cleaner - vinegar - CZ-30 - List of ingredients
GOLD DROP - Bathroom cleaner - vinegar - CZ-30L - List of ingredients
GOLD DROP - Window cleaner - Vinager - S-18 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All purpose surface cleaner - Cytrusowy - U-35 - List of ingredients
FLOOR - All purpose surface cleaner - zielony wodospad - U-34 - List of ingredients
List of ingredients 'BOOSTER - Gel for washing white fabrics' P-11